A Groover’s Christmas-Part 3

Math Stuff…

Merry Christmas!
As the Third and Final (you’re welcome) Blog post regarding the new A Groover’s Christmas EP, we thought it appropriate to point out a couple of things.
Both are Math-based for those who think these things Count… (Sorry for that).

I-(The Short One)
“Why did you wait until December 13th to release the CD?”

I-First off, when they asked Lemmy of Motorhead why they named their most popular Album “Ace of Spades” he immediately answered “Because it’s Bad Luck”.
Here in Blotto-land, we’ll take a lesson from anyone, so when we had a chance to release a CD on Friday the 13th we figured it was a great start.
Then, when one looks at the Numbers, December the 13th is the first day of the 12 Days of Christmas, since 13(th) +12(days)=25 (which is Christmas).
That seemed kind of cool for both reasons, so we went with it.

II-The Math of the 12 Days.

One day, during Finals in December, I was mentally fried. Looking for a distraction in the Library, I came across a random odd book, the title of which I cannot remember. It dealt with the deeper roots of Holidays. As a student looking down the barrels of Finals (which are somewhat darkly titled, if you’re asking me, but that’s another paragraph I suppose…but what if it isn’t a different paragraph? What if we stop farting around and denying the very real questions in front of us and grab the proverbial Bull by his proverbial horns [since female cows don’t have horns, no judgement] and asked the question that I think you’d like me to ask so we can get on to the Math, which is frankly insulting as (1) No one EVER really wants to get on to the Math and (2) Stop Interrupting or I won’t get to the Math, and (3) I never actually heard about a Bull in a Proverb, and (4) Finals are a bit dark, but we haven’t been able to come up with a really bright and cheery word for “a Test that might Define One’s Future”, so maybe it’s best to just move on)
I welcomed the distraction.
Don’t worry about the syntax of the preceding sentence. It’s grammatically correct in a Dr. Who sort of way. But it is.
Now, getting back to the thing,

I welcomed the distraction.
Opening the book to a random page and putting my finger down on a random line as one does when one is dating a certain type of New Age-y type girl whose methodology you suspect but her solidity of results you increasingly find hard to dispute (so you try it when she’s not around) leads you to do, I actually landed on an article that pointed the following out.

Here’s The Fun Math part. Thank you for waiting for it.

If you add up all the gifts in the 12 Days you come up with a cool thing.
There’s 1 Partridge in a Pear Tree. That’s 1.
But it happens 12 times because there are 12 days. Since it’s each day, it’s 1×12=12.

Then there’s the 2 French Hens. Its 2, but they only show up 11 times, since they are not on the first day, but on all the rest. So 2×11=22.

If you break down the Gifts times the amount of times they are given, you get the following…
1×12   +  12
2×11   +  22
3×10   +  30
4×9      +  36
5×8     +  40
6×7     +  42
7X6     +  42
8×5     +  40
9×4     +  36
10×3    + 30
11×2   +  22
12×1    + 12
…and the love we get and give on Christmas is the thing we need every day of the year so add 1 to make it 365!
Merry Christmas from Mr. Blotto*.

*and whoever wrote that Article.
